Are you an ENTP (the Visionary / Debater / Inventor)?
Every ENTP is a bit different, but how does this sound?

- You're amazingly open-minded. You have endless ideas, and you're great at playing devil's advocate (sometimes even just with yourself in your head). You love debate, and it can be hard when you want to argue for fun but other people are offended or misinterpret your intentions.
- You like keeping your options open, and you don't want to have to commit to one single path or task. It can be tough to stick to one of your ideas or projects long enough to actually finish it (either because you're a perfectionist or you just get bored).
- You hate dealing with bureaucracy and logistics. And you feel drained when you're boxed in or bored—when it feels like there's no room for innovation and you're not allowed to fully express your thoughts or explore different approaches or perspectives. The brainstorming phase of a new project is the best, and you'd hate to be brought in afterward and just told to finish setting up the logistics for someone else's ideas.
- You struggle with balancing logic and your subjective perceptions on one hand with other people's feelings and social conventions on the other. This can manifest in a number of ways: You might like messing with people, or you might look down on them; you might be overly concerned with looking good, or you might sacrifice or downplay your own needs/preferences sometimes to care for others (e.g., if you're not sure of your preference and you allow a more decisive person to decide for you).
- You love learning and having interesting conversations that challenge you (in fact, you actually like being proven wrong sometimes because it means the other person made a convincing, novel argument that helps you learn). You tend to speak quickly, think out loud, and enjoy a lively back-and-forth. But, you also really appreciate alone time to read a book, do some writing, or process your ideas. This can make you wonder sometimes if you're actually an introvert (ENTPs are one of the most introverted of the extrovert types).
ENTP Tip #1:
You want to do (and learn) everything, so you have trouble actually finishing anything.
It'll feel counterintuitive, but you need to focus on doing less to enable your ability to do more (yeah, I know you think that expression is trite, but how well is your current approach working out for you?).
Practice intentionally limiting your choices by removing options and distractions (for example, decide that when you get home from work, you're only allowed to do either A, B, or C).
Try this video of mine (and please consider subscribing to my channel if it resonates):
ENTP Tip #2:
To mature your Ti function, practice zooming out.
Instead of focusing on the details of the arguments, logically examine the entire debate. Is the debate itself actually helping in this situation? Will proving this person wrong actually be beneficial?
Does this person actually want you to solve their problem for them? (P.S. It's possible to be radically honest and kind at the same time. Yes, even for ENTP's.)
I invite you to join thousands of other NTP's who have subscribed to my mailing list.
I'm a Transformation Coach and Existential Counselor (and a fellow ENTP) who specializes in 'N' types like us.
I've helped hundreds of people—from students to Fortune 500 leaders—find more consistent motivation, design their life purpose, and feel more alive.
I write and make videos about topics like these:
- Practical Psychology (e.g., managing motivation & energy, expertly prioritizing your todo list, more easefully making decisions)
- Existential Questioning / Rational Spirituality (e.g., designing life purpose, practicing mindfulness, Zen Buddhism)
- Powerful Typology (e.g., making the best use of your type's strengths, overcoming your type's weaknesses)
- Deep Personal Growth (e.g., building emotional intelligence, making friends as an adult, deepening your relationships).
As a thank you for signing up, I'll send you the "tiny-book" I wrote specifically to help people like you with the #1 challenge ENTP's face.
Now, are you ready to take an even more powerful next step?
Think back to when you decided to take my personality test (or whatever you were looking for when you found your way here).
On the surface, you might have just been curious what type you would get. But I'm betting there was a reason underneath that:
You want to shift something in your life.
Deep down, you know that more is possible for you.
It's hard for you to make decisions—even ones that should be simple.
How would your life be different if you could transform…
- Coming up with all sorts of ideas but never actually finishing them
- Procrastination, low energy, and trouble with time management
- Struggling to choose a career, or working a job that's "ok" but definitely not making the kind of impact you want to be in the world
- Clarity on where to best spend your energy, which ideas to focus on, and what you really want
- Waking up energized, and feeling consistent motivation to take action on your ideas
- Working on projects that deeply fulfill you, and not having to dread going to work
You feel depressed or nihilistic, like there's a void of meaning in your life.
How would it feel to go…
- Wondering if other people are as happy as they seem to be, and feeling anxious when it seems like you're wasting your life
- Feeling micromanaged, or like you have to adhere to rules, policies, or schedules that don't make sense
- Struggling with a sense of emptiness, like you're just covering up a gaping hole with short-term fixes
- Feeling alive and excited, like you have something obvious worth living for
- Being in control of your life, owning your own schedule, and maybe even achieving financial independence
- Living deeply in line with your values, feeling clear on your life purpose, and spending your time and energy in a way that feels meaningful
You want deeper relationships that intrigue and fulfill you.
What would it be worth to shift…
- Loneliness, struggling to make friends as an adult, and feeling stuck in boring small talk and shallow relationships
- Enjoying debate and giving advice but feeling like people don't want your help or see you as combative when you're just trying to offer value
- Feeling some weirdness in social situations—a strange pendulum between loud arrogant attention-seeking and lonely worrying too much what others think of you
- Finding an awesome romantic partner, making deep friendships, and having stimulating conversations
- Feeling like you're truly helping people, and like you're able to do something tangible and beneficial with all that knowledge you have
- Experiencing a profound sense of belonging, self-acceptance, and self-love
" I was very impressed by the way you took all those complex topics I threw at you and quickly offered me some valuable unexpected advice.
I’ve never tried coaching before, and this wasn’t any kind of weird pitch. I’m usually really hard to convince of things, but I’m very curious to keep coaching with you. "
—ENTP Digital Marketing Manager
I'm Michael, a coach who helps fellow ENTP's transform

I spent most of my 20's and early 30's waiting for my "real life" to start.
I felt like I was treading water—I had endless ideas, and I knew I was capable of a lot. But I kept getting bored and moving on to the next possibility instead of actually finishing anything and making the impact I wanted to make on the world.
I had been completely stuck in my head and out of touch with my feelings and needs. I knew that I hated surface-level conversations, but I didn't understand how to create something different. So, I ended up just judging other people as shallow or simple-minded, and I felt disconnected and lonely.
I finally couldn't take it anymore, so I devoted three years to pushing myself outside my comfort zone to transform my life. I learned a lot about creating consistent motivation, making decisions, and leading a life I was excited about.
I created my life purpose, made some dramatic changes to myself and my lifestyle, and began following through on the ideas I was most excited about. Through all that, I finally began to understand what self-love and authentic aliveness feel like.
I'd like to help you feel that too.
What do the top people in every field have in common?
I've worked with Fortune 500 leaders, an Academy Award-winning director, a Mount Everest record holder, and some of the most famous video game designers in the industry.
And I'd like to share a secret with you:
The most successful people get help when they're struggling.
They might look perfect on the outside, but I've seen firsthand that they're grappling with their own challenges—from self-doubt and impostor syndrome to depression and anxiety.
They still hit barriers that they have trouble getting past on their own. And top performers know that they need to put the oxygen mask on themselves first before they're able to most effectively help others.
Just like star athletes benefit from coaching, the top people in every field hire experts to help them improve.
I'd like to help you too.
I understand what you're going through
I'm an ENTP too, and I struggled for years with different coaches and therapists.
I can honestly tell you that the one coach who made by far the biggest impact on my life was a fellow ENTP.
She spoke my language, saw me in a way that few others ever had in my life, and challenged me to shift beliefs that had held me back for a decade.
It was like a set of dominoes—those coaching sessions eventually set into motion dramatic shifts in virtually every aspect of my life.

Leaders at top companies have sought my expertise:

Plus, employees and entrepreneurs from 6 continents—in industries as diverse as crypto, government, education, tech startup, health & wellness, and beyond.
My client list includes executives & founders, product managers, teachers, doctors, consultants, artists, coaches, grad school students, data analysts, a librarian, a zookeeper, and more.
I'd like to earn your trust, as I have with these people:

Michael's program felt very much like Jedi training on Dagobah with Master Yoda.
I was very impressed by the way you took all those complex topics I threw at you and quickly offered me some valuable unexpected advice.
I’ve never tried coaching before, and this wasn’t any kind of weird pitch. I’m usually really hard to convince of things, but I’m very curious to keep coaching with you.
Working with Michael has been a transformative experience that I am deeply grateful for. He created a safe and welcoming space to explore some of the most vulnerable parts of myself and helped me connect more deeply with my body, emotions, and inner world.
As an ENTP, he helped me understand my strengths and growth areas in a deeply personalized way, showing how my natural tendency to innovate and see the bigger picture can guide me out of stress while encouraging me to let go of limiting beliefs.
His wisdom about balancing structure with flexibility and releasing old coping mechanisms resonated deeply.
Above all, Michael encouraged me to embrace my authentic self… I wholeheartedly recommend Michael to anyone seeking a compassionate and insightful guide for their personal journey (especially ENTPs).
I feel I have been heard. Michael is truly open minded. His responses were for me specifically and not just for all *NTPs.
He has been a genuine and honest set of bricks to start building a foundation with. He conveys positive messages in a way that makes me consider them deeply.
I could walk away from working with him at any point and feel accomplished and sated, but I don't because every session has proven useful.
The insights and ideas we shared together took me from a very restless and uncertain Point A, to the trail with a map and the makings of a plan, to a Point B that aligns with my values and needs.
I’m getting stuck in overthinking so much less often.
It’s like my gut instinct is coming to me now with a whole army instead of just a few horsemen.
This experience has been life-changing. Michael is very helpful, respectful, and an interesting person that I look forward to seeing every time.
This session gave me a perspective I've never had on my need to always have to prove myself.
I can see a path forward now where this becomes even easier over time, and I can keep growing instead of trying to fight against this like I have been.
I love the feeling of calm I experience now. I don’t second guess myself. I realize so clearly that I was irrationally confident before I started working with Michael, and I now feel a deeper sense of confidence that’s more open-minded and curious.
I think a good video game analogy for how I’ve progressed is that I feel like I’m playing my life in first-person point-of-view mode now vs. third person. My relationship with my wife has improved a lot, and everyone in my life has noticed a big change in me.
I’m still the same personality type, but it’s funny to think how subtle changes have shifted so much of how I feel every day.
I don't feel like a different person exactly, but rather that I'm far more of my true self than I've ever been.
It’s hard to overstate how much happier I am.
The sessions opened my eyes to not seeing the world in the absolutes I was accustomed to, and instead to having more empathy and understanding of the people around me. I thought I “understood” everyone within my narrow vision, but in truth I only understood the parts of them that I could directly relate to and criticized the rest.
I truly can’t believe how much my conscious thought process changes by having my gut and my brain in sync instead of constantly fighting each other. I finally understand how regular people can just get things done without constant interference.
I like how quickly you react to my current needs.
Sometimes I struggle with something that does not really feel like it has a solution. I mention it, and in most cases, you always find a different angle/approach or offer some alternatives that help.
The most impactful part of our work together is that feeling that I am backed up - that I have someone I trust, respect and appreciate who I can always consult on difficult things with.
I was talking with a colleague, and they commented on my high energy lately and the impressive systems I have in place.
They asked what my secret is, and I told them it’s that I’m working with an excellent coach.
All the other counselors I've worked with have just kept validating my feelings and opinions and telling me I'm right.
But you're different: You actually challenge me. You help me consider what I might be missing.
Thanks so much for your compassion. You always deliver fantastic resources, and I can tell that you really care.
This is not at all what I thought coaching would be like.
We ended up doing something totally different than I had been looking for (or thought I needed), but I'm surprised to say it was amazingly effective.
In the time I've been working with Michael, I was elected Vice President of my organization. I’ve felt my perpetual guilt disappear around work, and I find myself worrying less about what I can’t control.
I’ve even had some very philosophical revelations about what life is all about. I feel really good, thank you.
I feel like I am in a great place now after our last session. Everything is falling into place and I feel good.
I’ve implemented all the tools you’ve given me and it’s made a huge difference in my life. People honestly think I’m like a different person now.
Overall, all the things I am learning and applying from you and the PQ program are lining up now and MAN I am just happily damn enjoying my life and happy, just like that!
Well, I am seeing some really good changes! ...Makes interactions with strangers SO much more pleasant, and not energy-draining!
It's frickin crazy. I love it. And that's after just a few weeks... !
You saved my marriage.
Thank you so much for being the absolute best life coach ever.
You are an amazing person and incredible mentor/advice-giver all in one and I can’t thank you enough!
I honestly don’t know where I’d be today if not for you.
It’s really unbelievable how I’ve gone from crying almost every day at home while unemployed to where I am now.
I feel like I’m more like myself every day and I couldn’t have imagined this before when I couldn’t even eat due to being depressed and anxious about my family and especially my cheating ex.
It feels weird to celebrate myself, but little me gave me a high-five since she said I deserved one and was proud of me! I am more appreciative than words could honestly ever convey for all you’ve done.
I’d fallen into such a deep depression and hit rock bottom. It seemed like I wasn’t getting anything important done.
But after talking with you, I feel energized and back on track. I can do this!
I really appreciate your calming demeanor and ability to bring me toward a similar state (even when I have arrived at a scheduled session a bit 'wound up').
Your ability to listen and follow up on important points between sessions is remarkable and it helps to give me the impression of making progress.
I am floored.
This was truly a feeling I don't think I have ever felt before. I have so much to think about after our session.
This was a truly wonderful experience, thank you.
I am truly grateful for the support, guidance, and knowledge you have shared with me throughout this journey. It has been an enriching experience that has helped me grow both personally and professionally.
I deeply appreciate your patience, compassion, and wisdom... Your guidance has been instrumental in helping me reflect and grow as a person.
Wishing you continued success in empowering others as you have done for me.
I knew within 30 seconds of our first call that Michael was someone I wanted by my side.
Here was someone who could finally see me, as I truly was deep down. And that eventually helped me fully see myself.
Back then, it felt like life was acting upon me, and I was suffering professionally and in my relationships.
I really don’t feel any of that now. I had been grasping for solutions through a certain lens, and Michael helped me find a completely different set of lenses that make everything look different.
Those negative feelings haven’t all gone away entirely. But my reality has completely changed, and I feel so much more able to meet them those challenges.
Perhaps you are a person who gets sucked into tunnel vision and struggles to remain present and enjoy the process without obsessing over future outcomes. A person who wishes you had a translator for your own thoughts.
If so, time spent with Michael may be just what you need. His gentle, open-minded insights make him the perfect sounding board for intuitive persons who face the daily struggle of feeling misunderstood.
Michael has helped me to examine my own thought patterns and motivations more objectively. He is a truly gifted counselor, and time with him has proved to be a valuable step toward acquiring deeper self-knowledge.
When I first started seeing you, I was full of self-hatred and anxiety, and I had trouble trusting most of my relationships. I felt like I had to curate myself to be accepted by others.
I’m so amazed by the profound impact this work has had on me.
The biggest surprise for me has been that I feel less bored in conversations now. I feel like I can trust people more, and I’m much more at ease in being truly vulnerable rather than having to play a certain role for them.
I feel lucky to have Michael on my team. We started working together as I was planning a life transition. He supported me by guiding me past self-doubt and into my body's natural sense of where it wants to go — clarity.
In our ongoing work, Michael provides open-ended perspectives on situations that I can tend to see as more closed-off. He has so many tools, resources, and experiences that give me confidence that he can add a lot to my journey. Our sessions give me a boost and let me step forward with some really healthy attitudes.
I want to name that our work together has had a dramatic, tangible impact on my life.
Working with other coaches and therapists before has been helpful, but you’ve given me something significantly different. You’ve changed my life in a very real way and set me on an entirely new path. I’ll be forever grateful.
I kept walking away with one refreshing insight after another. Michael admirably applies praise where deserved and tends to avoid positivity for positivity’s sake. He does not judge – he seeks to understand. His inquisitive nature and mannerisms are a refreshing blend of friendly banter, humor, and understanding that are hard to find and very much appreciated.
There is great peace of mind in knowing that at least one person outside of my family can be absolutely trusted with my most confidential musings about my career.
He has an uncanny ability to say something back to me in a way that’s more coherent than how I first said it. When I hear my thoughts stated back to me it brings a certain permanence, conviction, and power to them I am challenged to replicate on my own.
I can’t thank Michael enough, and I wholeheartedly encourage you to take advantage of his gift.
Oh my God, I’m convinced.
I thought for sure I was an ENTJ. I could never believe that I was an ESFP because I don’t fit into the typical ESFP stereotypes. I managed to get through med school!
But hearing you explain it as you did, it just makes perfect sense now. This explains so much.
I’m afraid of this work I have to do but I know it’s what I need.
Interested in coaching that's customized for YOUR type of mind?
Here's How This Works:
I've put a lot of thought into the most logical, fair, and ethical way to price my services.
Conversations about money tend to bring out a lot of feelings (on both sides), and I want to approach that complexity with the nuance and care it deserves.
So, this will require just a little more work to understand than "pay me $X."
(If you're curious, I wrote a whole philosophical article where I break down in detail how I arrived at this set of policies.)

My Model:
Choose either a free discovery session or a paid one-time tactical session
If you’re interested in exploring an ongoing coaching relationship, I offer a shorter no-risk session for free to make sure we’re the right fit for each other. That’s what most people do. But if you don’t want to meet regularly (or can’t afford that), we can also do a paid one-off tactical session to work on a specific challenge you’re facing.
Commit to 2-4 sessions per month
I’m flexible, but seeing each other less often slows progress and means more time spent on life updates instead of transformation. For scheduling, it’s typically not a fixed time. Instead, at the end of each session, we open our calendars and find the next time that works for both of us.
You're in charge—you're not locked into anything
Most coaches require signing up for expensive package deals. But one of my core values is freedom, so I want to offer that to you: Pay for sessions one at a time and stop whenever you like.
I use a sliding scale (i.e., variable pricing)
I offer the same service at multiple price points based on need (honor system, no proof required). This allows me to offer lower-priced coaching to people who couldn't otherwise afford it.
Most importantly, let’s be real with each other
I’m not a faceless corporation, and you’re a unique, complex human. Let’s have an authentic conversation about what you can afford that’s fair to both of us. It's not you vs. me, but us figuring this out together as a team.

My Sliding Scale:
I serve a variety of people, including groups who have historically had less access to coaching due to systemic oppression.
Many of my clients identify as LGBTQIA+ or neurodivergent, and 43% are people of color.
This is my primary source of income, so I aim to provide access while also running a sustainable business.
Please do your own research if you'd like a comparison for coaching rates.
But I can tell you that $200-500 USD per session is a common price charged by my peers with similar experience and credentials.
What You Get By Working With Me:
- I'll start off by sending you a detailed questionnaire. It'll help me get to know you and support you in getting crystal clear on your goals for coaching.
- This isn't one-size-fits-all. I'll customize my coaching style based on your personality type (I have expertise in several powerful typing systems).
- We'll co-create a unique personal growth trajectory just for you. I'll bring in techniques from Co-Active coaching, Hakomi counseling, Positive Intelligence coaching, Zen Buddhism, or whatever is most appropriate for your specific challenges.
- You'll get access to me via email between sessions (e.g., if you'd like me to review your resume or answer a time-sensitive question). And, as we work together, I might share worksheets, articles, or podcasts that make me think of you.
- P.S. Want to get a sense of what I sound like? Here are a few of my YouTube videos I like: (a) introducing myself, (b) purposefully discarding thoughts, (c) processing big emotions, and (d) cultivating fragile feelings,
Check out my FAQ below the pricing table.
Which Best Describes Your Situation?
Below are my rates for a 50-minute session. Again, this is the same service being offered at each price tier.
Many life situations aren't perfectly covered in this table. Please do your best to pick what feels closest to yours.
(P.S. This isn't a value judgment. You're not a good or bad person for having substantial resources or for lacking those. This is simply an attempt to find the fairest possible exchange of value amidst complexity.)
Standard Rate A
- You earn over $170K USD/year (or, you have substantial savings / passive income / inheritance)
- Or, you can buy most things without needing to save up
- Or, your company will be paying for this
- Bonus: By paying this rate, you allow me to offer lower-priced coaching to someone with a marginalized identity (thank you!)
$297 USD
Standard Rate B
- You earn over $120K USD/year (before tax, including bonuses)
- Or, you regularly spend $200+ USD on non-necessities without needing to save up
- Or, your family/parents have substantial assets that you have access to (so that you live mostly on gifted/inherited income or don't have to work to survive)
$197 USD
Special Rate
- You earn under $50K USD/year (before tax, including bonuses)
- And, you have very little disposable income (i.e., you can't afford a lot beyond basic necessities)
- And, you identify as part of a historically marginalized group such as LGBTQIA+ or BIPOC and you feel like that has had a significant effect on your income (or, you face other challenges that have significantly limited your income potential such as systemic discrimination, disability, chronic illness, or substantial non-optional healthcare costs)
$97 USD
(waitlist only)
(I'm a fan of crypto too. Credit card is easier to process; but, if your money is tied up in crypto, I'm open to discussing payment in BTC or ETH.)
If paid coaching doesn't fit into your current financial situation, some of my no-cost offerings include my blog and my YouTube channel (the latter of which I update most frequently).