Still waiting for your "real" life to start?

I’ve been there, and I've helped millions begin transforming their experience of being alive.

Let’s find your path.

—Michael Caloz

Transformation Coach &
Existential Counselor
for Full-Stack Humans

Still waiting for your "real" life to start?

I’ve been there, and I've helped millions begin transforming their experience of being alive.

Let’s find your path.

—Michael Caloz
     Transformation Coach & Existential Counselor for Full-Stack Humans

My clients include leaders & team members at...


Are you a future-oriented, multi-passionate big-thinker?

Let’s take you from indecision, overwhelm, and stuckness âžĄïž substantial impact, clear purpose, and stimulating connection.

I’ve coached hundreds of people to transform their lives—from Fortune 500 leaders, to data scientists, to entrepreneurs & founders, to influencers with millions of followers, to people who felt totally stuck and had no idea what they wanted to do in life.

I specialize in 'N' personality types (i.e., future-oriented abstract thinkers)—especially ENTPs, INTPs, INTJs, INFJs, and ENFPs. (Find your type here.)

People who have so many awesome ideas but have trouble following through (or staying focused) on them.

People who have so much potential but struggle to make the impact they want to be making on the world—leaving them feeling jaded, overwhelmed, or frustrated.


Sound like you?

  • You have endless amazing ideas but trouble focusing down to the best one and taking real action on it. You overthink everything (even choices that "should" be easy like which restaurant to eat at).
  • You know you have so much potential, but you struggle with inconsistent motivation & energy. You live with depression and/or anxiety. You want to find/create your deepest purpose—one that really lights you up.
  • You’re into lifehacking & productivity (Tim Ferriss, James Clear,  Andrew Huberman, Sam Harris, etc.). But you feel burnt out trying to follow all that advice. You really wish you could find the one thing that would finally work.
  • You highly value rationality. You’re probably an atheist (or agnostic), and you might feel nihilistic at times.  Or, maybe you've dabbled in Buddhism, meditation, or psychedelics (or you're curious about those).
  • You hate small talk and you love going deep. So you often feel lonely. It’s hard to find “your people” and make great friends. You have high standards for yourself and others, and you wish for a community where you could really belong.

Sound like you?

  • You have endless amazing ideas but trouble focusing down to the best one and taking real action on it. You overthink everything (even choices that "should" be easy like which restaurant to eat at).
  • You know you have so much potential, but you struggle with inconsistent motivation & energy. You live with depression and/or anxiety. You want to find/create your deepest purpose—one that really lights you up.
  • You’re into lifehacking & productivity (Tim Ferriss, James Clear,  Andrew Huberman, Sam Harris, etc.). But you feel burnt out trying to follow all that advice. You really wish you could find the one thing that would finally work.
  • You highly value rationality. You’re probably an atheist, and you might feel nihilistic at times.  Or, maybe you've dabbled in Buddhism, meditation, or psychedelics (or you're curious about those).
  • You hate small talk and you love going deep. So you often feel lonely. It’s hard to find “your people” and make great friends. You have high standards for yourself and others, and you wish for a community where you could really belong.

Would you like world-class coaching?

On Google, I'm lucky enough to be the #1 top-ranked coach for ENTP's, INTP's, INTJ's, INFJ's, and ENFP's.

(And I feel proud of that since I don't do any advertising or intentional SEO optimization, so my high rank is because a lot of people link to me and share my work.)

Leaders at top companies have sought my expertise:


Plus, employees and entrepreneurs from 6 continents—in industries as diverse as crypto, government, education, tech startup, health & wellness, and beyond.

My client list includes executives & founders, product managers, teachers, doctors, consultants, artists, coaches, grad school students, data analysts, a librarian, a zookeeper, and more.

I’ve helped millions start changing their lives.

What type of coach am I?

Nearly a million people a year—from almost every country—take my test (often referred to as "the Michael Caloz test") to find their personality type. 

So, many people seek me out for my expertise in the Jung-Myers typing system (i.e., the "16 types").

But, if you're a skeptic (like I was), no worries—we don't have to use type at all. And even if you're into typology, your type is just one part of your story. You're a complex human with many parts and many identities.

For a personal growth path to be truly effective, it must be customized.

That’s why I’ve studied a variety of coaching and counseling modalities—because everyone's different, and I don't want to give you cookie-cutter solutions (e.g., the same "8-week transformation program" for everyone).

My primary Venn diagram of coaching includes:

  1. Personality typing (especially the 16 types, but also Sparketype, Enneagram, Positive Intelligence, etc.)
  2. Mindfulness, meditation (informed by my Zen Buddhism practice), somatic (body) awareness, and contemplating non-ordinary states (e.g., psychedelics)
  3. Career development, finding your ideal career, entrepreneurship, switching careers
  4. Life purpose, values, existential meaning, helping atheists/hyper-rationals/skeptics discover (grounded, non-dogmatic) spirituality
  5. Emotional processing and EQ, relationship skills (friend, romantic, work), communication skills, non-violent communication (NVC)

I think of myself as a Deep Transformation Coach or an Existential Counselor.

I'm not just interested in helping you be more productive (though we can cover that too). I want to help you change the way you fundamentally see yourself and the world so that you can feel deeply alive and aligned with living with purpose and intentionality.


I've been there.

I had an amazingly successful career, but I felt empty inside.

I tried going to meetups and experimenting with new hobbies, but I still felt depressed and lonely.

In particular, I used to dread Sunday evenings. Each time, it would hit me like a slap to the face: I'd failed yet again to find lasting happiness, and I'd have to push through another week of the same.

Would it ever change?

Yes. Absolutely yes.

Nowadays, I'm excited virtually every day to get out of bed in the morning.

I feel fully aligned with my purpose, and I often find myself overflowing with gratitude and joy at just how amazing my life feels (seriously, I'm continually shocked by this—it's not just performing a "gratitude practice"; sometimes, it feels like gratitude is literally bursting out of me).

I managed to transform virtually every aspect of my life—from where I live, to how my relationships feel, to how many friends I have, to feeling part of a tight-knit community, to how I spend my time.

I’ve reached my true goal: Leading a life full of freedom, flexibility, and doing what I love (and what I consider to be most meaningful). Even if I won the lottery, I’d keep doing what I do.

It's not easy to transform that dramatically, but you only have this one precious life to live.

So, I'd love to help you make the most out of it.


Business + Mindfulness. Thinking + Feeling.

I'm a highly rational Thinker-type (and a skeptic at heart) who studied computer science and worked in management consulting.

But I also lived in Japan, deeply studied Buddhism, and actively pursued existential awakening for over a decade.

Thanks to that blended life experience, my style is a unique mix of East & West—analytical, research-backed psychology, and somatic, feelings-oriented mindfulness.

The trick to real growth is not just knowing answers in your mind. It's deeply experiencing the truth of them—feeling it in your body.

You're not just one thing. You're a complex combination of systems.

To unlock your full potential, you need to become a Full-Stack Human.

I offer an uncommon blend of coaching, counseling, & mentoring.

Unlike many life coaches or executive coaches, I also have three years of comprehensive training in psychological counseling.

Plus, I can offer mentorship (i.e., specific advice based on my own journey) in areas like:

  • Succeeding in the world of tech (Agile, product management, UX, game design);
  • Promoting DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) and being a more confident, resilient, effective ally (especially as a straight white guy);
  • Dealing with the nihilism of atheism and finding meaning & motivation in life;
  • Learning how to make friends as an adult, deepen your connections, and improve your marriage/relationships (including ethically non-monogamous ones);
  • Going from overthinking to confident decision-making, and from endless unfocused interests to finding your dream career & designing your life purpose.

To help overcome your most frustrating challenges, I'll pull in the right technique at the right time. My favorites include:


The world's most-respected modality for executive & life coaching, used by the leaders of over half the Fortune 500. Through Co-Active, we’ll explore you as a whole person (both home & work life)—with curiosity rather than judgment. Learn more here.


This changed my life. Hakomi is a somatic psychotherapy modality integrating Eastern mindfulness, systems thinking, parts work (similar to IFS), and cutting-edge neurobiology. It’s like looking at the underlying structure of your mind (and entire nervous system) with a magnifying glass—to understand how you work at a deep level. Learn more here.

personality typing
This is all about understanding how you take in information and process it—how your type of mind tends to be organized. Knowing your type helps you make better decisions, use your innate superpowers, and get re-energized when you feel drained. My favorite systems include Jung-Myers (16 types), Enneagram, Big Five, DISC, StrengthsFinder, Sparketype, and Four Tendencies. Learn more here.
Positive Intelligence

Based on rigorous scientific research conducted at Stanford on hundreds of CEO's and elite athletes, Positive Intelligence builds the muscle of mental fitness—to improve performance, emotional wellbeing, and reduce feelings like overwhelm and frustration. Learn more here.

mindfulness, meditation, buddhism

You've heard about meditation as a tool for improving focus, decreasing stress, and improving mental clarity. That's all true. But, after 14 years of meditation practice, I can say that the benefits are far more profound than that. Meditation retrains your brain, increasing the space between stimulus and response and dramatically increasing your awareness and self-control in every aspect of life. Learn more here.

I weave in a variety of other modalities as well, including:

  • BrenĂ© Brown’s Brave Leaders framework
  • Agile / Lean
  • R-CS Re-Creation of the Self
  • Nonviolent-communication (NVC)

Clients are often pleasantly surprised when I tie together ideas from multiple systems and modalities for them.

(For example, someone might appear to be, say, an INTP. But, our Hakomi & Enneagram work might reveal a deeper truth underneath. Perhaps part of their core Feeler self has been covered up by years of trying to live up to their ENTJ parent's or society's priorities, which celebrate Thinker types and decisiveness. Then, we can work to surface that deeper self by using techniques from, say, Positive Intelligence & R-CS).

Want to learn more about me and my coaching/counseling practice?

Start here


About MichaelLearn more about me, my own journey, and my life purpose.                                    
What’s a “Full-Stack Human”?Becoming one transformed my life. It will help you unlock your full potential too.
How can you find the right coach for you?Choosing the right coach isn’t easy. As an industry insider and someone who’s worked with a variety of coaches myself, I’ll share my top tips for finding the right person. I’ll also explain more about how I approach coaching in my practice.
Coaching vs. Therapy?What's the difference, and which is right for you?                                        

Other Projects:

Cognitive Function Personality TestWant to better understand who you are? My test goes deeper, beyond the usual "do you prefer staying home or going to a party?" This test delves into the cognitive functions created by Carl Jung and the fuller complexity of the 16 types you've heard of (yes, it's possible to be both introverted and extroverted depending on the situation!).
Blog: Synthesizing & Simplifying ComplexityI write on a variety of topics for N types—centering around mindful personal growth, habits, mindset, & more. I also enjoy simplifying complex topics from social justice, to COVID safety, cooking, communication, and beyond.
Cryptocurrency: How it works and why it's important (transforming society, making money, and more)What exactly are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the thousands of other cryptocurrencies out there? How do they really work? Do they have real value, or are they just "made up"? Why are they important? This series is for everyone from complete novices to people already trading crypto who want to understand it more deeply. It's possible to make a lot of money here, but it's also easy to lose a lot if you don't truly understand it. Crypto isn't only important for investing, though—I believe it should be very exciting to social justice advocates as well.
Intro to Race in America for White PeopleThis is a non-political introduction to how race works in this country: where it came from and how it factors into America today. This is not at all about political correctness, and I'm firmly against shaming people. It's my attempt to explain a complex topic to other white people with clarity and kindness.


Video: One of the most crucial life skills I’ve learned as an NTP: purposefully discarding thoughtsThe difficult lesson I learned on a 10-day silent meditation retreat about consciously relaxing your mental grip on thoughts and ideas to release yourself from overwhelm.
Video: Managing idea overwhelm (todos, habits, etc.): 2 core tips (especially for ENTP's, INTP's, ENFP's)The fundamental misconception that NP types have and how it hurts you, and why you think the solution to this problem should be obvious when it's actually not at all (plus, why the answer is not just a better todo list app).
The 5 Deepest Reasons You're Not Happier (and how to start changing each one)From the perspectives of evolution, psychology, cultural anthropology, Buddhism, and philosophy, here are the 5 fundamental reasons you're not as happy as you could be, and what you can do about it.
5 years ago, I was waiting for my "real"​ life to start. Here's the lesson that changed my life (& helped me realize why I'd been so depressed)"I'll be happy when..." or "Someday, when I'm living my full potential, I'll be able to..." These kinds of thought patterns are some of the biggest sources of suffering. Here's how to fix them.
Hey, fellow straight white guys—here’s how to use pronouns to be a better ally (and boost your own freedom & self-knowledge at the same time)This is a gentle, non-political introduction to the why and how of pronouns and how to approach the complexities of gender today.
You only have a limited time to be alive. What should you do about that? I've helped many clients navigate this. Here are my top tips in 3 big areas.(Read this when you have a bit of space in your day—probably not in the 5 minutes between meetings 🙂) At the most fundamental level, the #1 struggle of being human, by far, is managing your time while you're alive. Here's how.

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I regularly write for N's about mindful personal growth, habits, mindset, & more.